June 11, 2024
PhotoEspaña 2024: Perpetuum mobile
Jorge Romero Mancebo

The Photoespaña International Festival, which is held throughout the peninsula, began last May and will run until September, with activities in different museums, galleries and cultural centers

PhotoEspaña is one of the most prestigious festivals in Spain. This year, the festival, whose roots go back to 1998, embraces the theme “Perpetuum mobile”, focusing on movement. This theme encompasses the dynamism of the photographic medium itself, the creative processes of artists, the representation of movement in photographs, and even collective, historical or social changes.

Lua Ribeira. Untitled, from the series "Agony in the Garden*, 2021-2023. Photography © Lúa Ribeira / Magnum Photos © La Fábrica
The theme encompasses the dynamism of the photographic medium itself, the creative processes of artists, the representation of movement in photographs, and even collective, historical or social changes.

PhotoEspaña has established itself as a keystone of the Spanish cultural scene, showcasing the works of renowned photographers and visual artists from around the world. Over the years, the festival has become a vibrant platform for fostering dialogue, promoting artistic expression and celebrating the power of photography, while never forgetting the connection to the market.

Boris Savelev “Red square girls, Moscow”, 1981. Photography.  ©Boris Savelev © La Fábrica

Madrid is the center of PhotoEspaña, with major exhibitions and retrospectives. The Royal Botanical Garden will host the Collective Exhibition of the ENAIRE Foundation Photography Award, while the Belgian Serrería Cultural Space will present the works of Ukrainian photographer Boris Savelev. This exhibition will show his entire career, from the years of black and white photographs to his use of color transparency films such as Owachrome and Kodachrome, and the eventual digitalization of the photographic process.  

Boris Savelev “Cafe Ion, Moscow”, 2009 Photography. © Boris Savelev© La Fábrica

In addition, the Fernán Gómez Centro Cultural de la Villa will showcase a panoramic exhibition of Erwin Olaf's work. A visionary photographer who revolutionized the narrative aesthetics of staged photography. With meticulously elaborated compositions, reminiscent of cinematographic narration, the images transport the viewer to stylized spaces that masterfully capture the wanderings of human beings in a world that has lost its way.  

Erwin Olaf, a visionary photographer who revolutionized the narrative aesthetics of staged photography.
Erwin Olaf, “11,05 am” de la serie April Fool 2020. Phtography © Erwin Olaf © La Fábrica

The CentroCentro exhibition space at the City Hall Palace features the exhibition dedicated to Barbara Brändli. This exhibition focuses on gesture and human movement, investigating the process of dispossession to which the photographed “subject” is subjected when it becomes an object of representation.  

s/1 (Rodolfo Varela. Fundación Danza Contemporánea, Caracas), 1962  © Barbara Brandi/Colección C&FE © La Fábrica
This exhibition focuses on gesture and human movement, investigating the process of dispossession to which the photographed “subject” is subjected when it becomes an object of representation.  

There will also be exhibitions at the Canal Foundation where the work of Elliot Erwitt will be exhibited with the name "The Human Comedy". The ICO Museum dedicates a retrospective to Iwan Baan, the MAPFRE Foundation dedicates the retrospective to Consuelo Kanaga and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando presents “A Dane in the Madrid of the Restoration”, by photographer Christian Franze.

Alfonso XIII con el principe Bons de Rusia, n. 1905. Gelatinobromuro de plata, papel baritado, 277 x 219 mm. Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. © CHRISTAN FRANZEN YINISSEN